Umpire a Baseball Game: A Terrific Guide for 2024

This article discusses how to umpire a youth baseball game. After you read it, you will never watch a baseball game the same way again. You will be looking at the umpires, not the players. Don’t forget these three important introductory points. You need to look, stand, and lead like one.

First, look at the part. The uniform not only shows your role; it also includes protective equipment. Second, stance is important for safety. In a crouch (like the home plate umpire), cup your knees with your hands; do not place your hands on your kneecaps. The reason for this is that umpires do not like to get hit on the thumbs. Third, be a leader on and off the field. Arrive thirty minutes before the game. Being early is important.

The Six Basic Calls

Umpires are needed to make calls on the field and to call the pitches behind home plate. There are six basic calls that all umpires will need to make on the field in Little League (but these apply at other levels). First, out. It is important here to have your arm at a 90-degree angle. Second, is safe. When you make this call, keep your fingers together as you spread your arms; do not spread your fingers out. Third, is safe, off the bag. This is a two-part call. First, call the runner safe. Second, move both of your arms to fair territory while stepping forward with your right foot.

Fourth, safe, ball on the ground. This is another two-parter. First, call the runner safe, then step forward with your right foot and point to the ground with the index finger of your right hand. Fifth, out on the tag. See the defender tag the baserunner and call out loudly, with your right arm at a 90-degree angle. Finally, foul. When you are umpiring at first base and the first baseman fields the ball in foul territory, point to the left and yell foul.

A, B, and C Positions for the Base Umpire

Assuming there are two umpires (one behind the plate and one on the bases), the base umpire will need to move around the infield according to the three positions. The A position is when there is nobody on base. The base umpire stands in fair territory, about eight feet behind the first baseman. As the pitch is delivered, step forward, mirroring the first baseman. With a runner on first base, move to B position, which is right on the lip of the outfield grass, about halfway between first and second base. In any other runners-on-base situation, move to the C position, which is on the cut of the outfield grass between shortstop and third base.

Home Plate Umpire Mechanics

There are five important points to the mechanics of the home plate umpire. Before getting to those, it is vitally important that home plate umpires wear a throat guard. Getting hit in the throat with a foul ball could cause death. First, your head height should be above the catcher. Second, your head should be in the slot between the batter and the catcher. Third, be in that ready position for all pitches and do not move. Fourth, track the ball to the catcher’s mitt. Finally, timing is important. There is no rush to call balls and strikes and make the call loudly.

Historically Great Major League Umpires

There are a few umpires enshrined in the National Baseball Hall of Fame. They are Al Barlick, Nestor Chylock, John Conlon, Tom Connally, Billy Evans, Doug Harvey, Cal Hubbard, Bill Klem, Bill McGowan, and Hank O’Day.


Umpires are important at every level of baseball, and youth baseball is often dependent on volunteers. There is a lot that umpires do that is not listed here. They are an essential part of the game, and what they do is tightly scripted. By showing the basic calls in the game, this article hopes to encourage more volunteer umpires in youth baseball.

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