Monday Night Raw: March 3, 1997’s Amazing Main Event

Monday Night RAW in 1997 was very different than what we would see on television today. World Wrestling Federation (now Entertainment) is still in the New Generation with the Attitude Era coming quickly. Hoping to generate fan attention to a dying company, Vince McMahon created the first title in over twenty years: The European Title.

The finals must contain a wrestling match worth watching to generate buzz for this title and the product. How would McMahon do this? He chose to air a pretaped Monday Night Raw with “live” commentary from McMahon, Jim Ross, and Honky Tonk Man. Maybe the matches are worth it? The matches are, at best, serviceable but the main event? The main event is the star of the show.

Monday Night Raw in Berlin

The card looks interesting on paper but winds up being underwhelming. Bret “The Hitman” Hart wrestled Hunter Hearst Helmsley should have been good. The match was decent at best and ended as Bret Hart, getting closer to a heel turn, lost his temper, shoved the ref, and was disqualified. Rocky Maivia defended his Intercontinental Title against Vader. The match was not all that good and ended in disqualification as Mankind attacked Rocky for no reason. It is hard to imagine Rocky would later become The Rock.

The Sultan, a Polynesian pretending to be Arabian, defeated Flash Funk in a boring match. ECW vs WWE is given a little time in a vignette and interview with Jerry “The King” Lawler. Ahmed Johnson accepts a challenge given by rival Farooq for a street fight. Sycho Sid defended the World title against Mankind in a match far better than anyone would expect. This Monday Night RAW does not seem to be anything special.

Steve Austin is one of the two main fixtures in the show. He is mentioned prominently during Hart’s match, clips are constantly shown, and Austin is interviewed. The show does not just emphasize Austin. The finals for the European Title tournament are set to be the main event of Monday Night RAW.

The European Title

WWE hosted a tournament in Germany from the 21st to the 26th of February. Davey Boy Smith defeated Mankind on the 21st. Vader pinned Rocky Maivia on Feb. 22nd. Owen Hart beat Flash Funk and Bret Hart defeated Hunter Hearst Helmsley on the 23rd. These were the first-round fights.

Davey Boy Smith pinned Vader and Owen Hart defeated his brother, Bret Hart, after Davey Boy Smith interfered. This led to tag team partners and brothers-in-law Owen Hart and Davey Boy Smith fighting in the finals in Berlin on Monday Night RAW.

Vignettes were shown throughout the event hinting at possible dispute between the two wrestles. For months, the two have been at odds. Owen eliminated Davey Boy in the Royal Rumble and accidentally tagged his partner with a spinning heel kick at the last pay-per-view. The question throughout the show was, “Would the two be able to coexist after this match ended?”

The Main Event

Owen Hart was not strong on the microphone but could wrestle circles around most of his time. Davey Boy Smith was more known for a power style of wrestling. That is, until tonight. Be prepared to see more acrobatics than you would ever expect from a man British Bulldog’s size. Just prepare to watch two men wrestle in a fast-paced feature of technical wrestling, high-flying, and very little rest.

The match tells the story of a possible break-up as well. When Bulldog bests his adversary, throwing Hart out of the ring, Davey Boy Smith holds the ropes open as an offer for Owen to enter the ring. Owen chooses to enter a different spot. Minutes later Owen does the same with Bulldog choosing to accept his brother-in-law’s invite. Hart plays the heel in the match by cheating and feigning an injury to get the upper hand.

The match ends in a flurry of false finishes. First, Owen puts Smith in Hart’s signature move, The Sharpshooter but Smith reaches the ropes to break the move. Smith performs the Powerslam but Owen kicks out. Smith stands up and turns away to address the ref. Hart leaps on Smith’s shoulders, leaning forward for a Victory Roll. Smith reverses the pinning attempt and is crowned the first European Champion. After the bell, the two stand together holding the belt up while Owen’s jealousy teases future problems for the team.

This main event of Monday Night RAW is a perfect study for anyone hoping to become a pro wrestler as Hart and Smith put on a masterclass match. Sadly, both wrestlers are no longer living to share their wisdom with the newer generation. Hart would pass away in a freak accident a little more than a year later. Smith would die in 2002 from a heart attack just shy of the anniversary of his brother-in-law’s demise. Thankfully, their legacy lives on as the two put on the best match on television in 1997, if not of all time.

About the Author

Andrew Crowe is not good at writing biographical material. He is an avid mental health advocate. He is a graduate of three schools holding degrees in Computer Science, Human Services, and Human Development. He co-hosts “What Makes a Good Game?” with friend Cosmironic.

Andrew likes some of the worst things in life. He enjoys b-movies, bad licensed video games, and music almost no one enjoys. He streams at least three days a week on Twitch. He is the husband of a talented writer, Corinne, and a father. Both are viewed as his most important titles.

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