Mariah May Rise to Stardom in AEW Follows Hollywood Script

In November 2023, Mariah May moved Stateside from Japan instantly attaching herself to AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm. The chemistry between the two international superstars was undeniable. The heel duo would remain the main focus of the AEW Women’s division outside of the arrival of Mercedes Mone in March. 

What was not readily apparent to most fans around the world was that the Mariah May and Toni Storm story followed a vintage Hollywood script from the 1950s film “All About Eve.” The veil of secrecy was ripped off on AEW Dynamite with Mariah May’s vicious attack on the AEW World Champion. 

It will be an interesting build with six weeks of storyline before May returns home to England for a chance to complete her story and end Toni’s title run at Wembley Stadium on August 25. 

Notable Hollywood Classic Lays Story Foundation

A 1950s film classic directed by Joseph Mankiewicz, All About Eve features the entanglement of a 40-year-old Broadway star Margo Channing, played by Bette Davis, and a younger actress named Eve Harrington. Played by Anne Baxter, Harrington professed love and admiration for the aging Broadway actress who takes pity on the sob story relayed by Ms. Harrington. 

Eve Harrington becomes Margo’s assistant which eventually causes more chaos in Channing’s world. Once she gains her trust, Harrington’s true plan to rip everything away from Margo is well underway when she gets caught wearing Channing’s robe and bowing before a mirror. 

Anne Baxter’s character (Eve Harrington) conspires with someone to cause Margo Channing to miss a performance so Eve can fill in on stage. Harrington impresses a critic who shames Margo for keeping younger talent down. Eve receives acclaim becoming destined for Hollywood months later. Following an award ceremony in California, Harrington returns to her apartment encountering a teenage fan that Eve takes pity on where the cycle seems ripe to repeat itself again. 

All About Eve was one of the first movies for a Hollywood legend known as Marilyn Monroe. Relatively unknown at the time, Monroe was cast as Miss Claudia Casswell in the film. Monroe’s first leading role would not be until two years later in  “We’re Not Married” in 1952.

“All About Mariah” Proclamation Many Months Ago 

Welcome back from film class, folks. This is a wrestling article about Mariah May, so let’s get back to that, shall we? May debuted in late 2023 with All Elite Wrestling. At first, May was rejected by Toni Storm as just a fan. 

After weeks of persistence, Mariah became instrumental in the Toni Storm championship legacy. She became an integral part of Storm’s promos garnering more and more screen time alongside her mentor. However, Even as far back as January, Mariah May hinted at her long-running plan. In an interview with Renee Paquette at New Year’s Smash, May said 2024 would be “All About Mariah” even attempting to push Renee out of frame to garner all of the spotlight. 

Toni Storm Forgot to Watch for the Shoe

It’s pretty fitting that the end of Dynamite featured a heel to the bloody forehead of a fallen AEW’s Women’s World Champion. Storm’s popularity caught fire with her “watch for the shoe” catchphrase.  Once Storm’s guard was completely down, Mariah May seized the opportunity to take her shot blindsiding Toni with a championship cumberbund before turning her attention to the butler, Luther, by pushing him through a table.

May then refocused her attack on Toni Storm with all the evilness reserved for a high-quality British James Bond villain. May left Storm wailing in a pool of blood foreshadowing what May hopes will occur at the end of next month. The world can watch the 1950s classic to see how that story ends, however, AEW’s real-time drama will need to play out over the next several weeks before the stage is ultimately set for Mariah May vs. Toni Story for the title under the bright lights of Wembley Stadium at All In.  

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