Wrestlemania 13: The Bloody Art of the Double-Turn

Wrestlemania 13 is not known for having the greatest match except for one.  This match will help explain a problem with wrestling fans. Wrestling fans are a bit of an impatient bunch. While stories were once given time to simmer, there seems to be a call for instant gratification. “Reveal the answers now and do not make us wait anymore!” seems to be the siren call. This is a by-product of the “car crash” style of storytelling popularized in the Attitude Era of WWE.

Fans need to remember stories need time to be told. As an example of this need, make note of one match at Wrestlemania 13. Without proper storytelling, the planned double-turn would not have had the effects WWE brass intended.

Wrestlemania 13’s Card

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The Headbangers beat The New Blackjacks, The Godwins, and Furnace/Lafone in a four-way tag team match for a shot at the WWE tag team titles. Rocky Maivia beat The Sultan (accompanied by Bob Backlund and The Iron Sheik) in an abysmal match. Rocky Johnson, Maivia’s father, tries to save his son from a post-match beatdown but fails.

Hunter Hearst Helmsley defeats Goldust in a decent match after Chyna distracts Goldust. The bearhug Chyna puts on Marlena looks as if Jason Voorhees is crushing some helpless counselor.  Owen Hart and British Bulldog vs Mankind and Vader is a strange match as both teams are composed of heels. Fans are not sure how to react despite Hart and Smith playing the faces. The match ended in a double countout.

Bret Hard beats Steve Austin (more on that match below). The Nation of Domination fights Ahmed Johnson and the Legion of Doom in a Chicago Street Fight. Almost every weapon imaginable (including the kitchen sink) is used in the fight. The match is nothing more than a smash-mouth brawl. LOD and Johnson won after a Doomsday Device on Crush.

The final match of the evening saw Sycho Sid defending his WWF title against The Undertaker. The Undertaker wins the match with a Tombstone Piledriver. After a bit of celebration in the ring, Wrestlemania 13 comes to an end.

Events Leading Up to Wrestlemania 13

Bret Hart loses the WWE World Championship to Shawn Michaels in an Iron Man Match and takes a sabbatical from the ring. While still working some house shows, Hart is not on television. In the meantime, a shift has occurred within wrestling culture. In June 1996, Steve Austin won the King of the Ring and gave the famous “Austin 3:16” promo. Fans are becoming more receptive to the Texas Rattlesnake. Where does Hart, the champion of the New Generation, fall into this new era of wrestling?

In the meantime, Austin spends a great amount of time goading the former world champion into a match. Austin eventually gets his match against Bret Hard at 1996’s Survivor Series. The winner of the match receives a world title opportunity against Shawn Michaels at the next PPV. Hart wins after using the turnbuckle to reverse The Million Dollar Dream into a pin. Despite the loss, Austin is not done with Hart.

The Hitman has a target painted on him and Stone Cold aims to make Hart miserable. At In Your House 12, Austin interfered in Hart’s match vs WWF champ Sycho Sid. The 1997 Royal Rumble saw Hart eliminate Steve Austin while referees were focused on a brawling Undertaker and Vader. Hart eliminated Diesel thinking he’d won the Rumble. Austin snuck into the ring, threw Hart over the top rope, and was declared the victor.

Due to Shawn Michaels “losing his smile” the WWF World Title was to be decided at the February ’97 In Your House in a Fatal Four-Way match. Hart, Austin, Vader, and Undertaker would fight with Hart winning the match. Hart won the match to claim his fourth world title. The next night on RAW, Hart was contractually obligated to defend his title against Sycho Sid. Austin interfered in the match, causing Hart to lose to Sid.

The Undertaker has been named the #1 Contender for Sid’s World Title. To make matters worse, Hart hears the fans cheer the man who has been a continual thorn in Hitman’s side. Bret Hart challenges Stone Cold Steve Austin to a submission match at Wrestlemania 13. This match was to be officiated by UFC star Ken Shamrock.

Austin vs Hart: The Real Wrestlemania 13 Main Event

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Calling this match anything but brutal is an understatement. Within the first minute, the two are wrestling in the stands as Shamrock and security keep the fans at bay. Hart controls the pace in the beginning with a back body drop onto the concrete steps of the arena before Austin takes control by Irish Whipping Hart into the steel steps. For the first time tonight, the crowd is energized by the show.

The story of the match deals is Austin’s knee. Bret Hart, the technician he is, targets the braced knee of Austin with elbow drops, stomps, and other moves to wear down his opponent.  Already, signs of Hart’s willingness to turn heel are shown. The once squeaky-clean wrestler applies a figure-four leglock to Austin using the ring post as leverage.

Austin, never one to shy away from the evil route, gladly uses a chair brought in by Hart to regain control of the match again. Austin’s plan of attack is different than Hart’s. While Hart focuses on one part of the body, Austin uses whatever submission hold he can to wear down his opponent.

After being whipped face-first into the security railing, Austin is busted open. This crimson mask and the injured knee of Austin will play an important role in the match’s end. Austin, despite losing blood, is running on adrenaline and hatred. He may just have a chance at winning this match. That is until Hart applies the Sharpshooter.

How does Austin, the heel, respond to being locked in this hold? Most heels would have given up by now. Tapped out and lived to fight the other day. Not Austin. Austin uses the last bit of energy in his body to force Hart out of the move.  The last all of five seconds before Hart reapplies the submission maneuver. Does Austin tap now? No, the pain and blood loss caused him to pass out. Bret is declared the winner.

After the bell rings, Bret celebrates before attacking Austin’s injured knee. This is where Ken Shamrock becomes pivotal to the story. If a normal referee were to interfere with a wrestler this angry, he would be met with a shove or an attack. Ken Shamrock is from UFC. When Hart refuses to listen, Shamrock suplexes Hart off his opponent and challenges the victor to a fight.

Hart, known for never backing down, stares at that cage fighter for a moment. Shamrock is battle-ready and urging Hart to fight. The Hitman stares at Shamrock for a moment and walks away. He only stops momentarily when fans begin to boo his cowardice. He looks around at the fans with disgust and leaves.

The next moment is important to Austin being a face but also remaining the Texas Rattlesnake. Mike Chioda, a referee, comes to help Austin to the back. Austin kicks the ref, hits the Stone Cold Stunner, and walks by his strength to the back. During the Main event, Hart enters the ring with a microphone to mock Michael’s loss of a smile, expresses his disdain for Undertaker, and calls Sid a “fraud champion.” Sid responds with a powerbomb. Unlike Austin, officials help Hart to the back. Moments later, Vince McMahon tells the audience that Austin has refused medical attention and Michaels states Auston has earned the respect of millions.

The double-turn is complete. Austin is now your top face and Hart, once a beloved wrestler, is now a heel. Imagine there was no almost year-long build leading up to this moment. Vince McMahon just randomly assigned the two in a submission match for Wrestlemania 13. How would the fans have reacted if the show went the same as it did? This is why we need long-term storytelling in wrestling. Without it, moments like this would leave the audience confused and WWE’s Wrestlemania 13 would be relegated to oblivion.

Wrestlemania 13 can be watched here.

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